Saturday, June 01, 2013

Wish the Beasts had Stayed Hidden in the Wilds

Nope, no way, uh uh... I cannot believe that this film was up for an Oscar.  Ok. How to describe...

Well, lots of crazy people living off the grid, except not really, because they have electricity and booze, and lots and lots of stuff that they apparently never dispose of.

And the children?  Well, in one of the early scenes, all the babies are wearing stained cloth diapers hanging off them loosely, with a number written on the bottom (I guess to make them easier to identify), and dropped off into an open area separated from the adult festival merriment by a red ribbon tied up between sticks.

Basically, children are neglected, barely bathed, and left to their own devices.  

I'm not going to give a summary of the story, it's easy enough to google.  I'll just say that with the exception of the wonderful, amazing, Quvenzhané Wallis, the movie was pretty stupid.  

Everything Q. (Let's just call her Q) said and everything she did (almost) was a joy to watch.  But when she was being left with her daddy by social workers, allowed to almost hurt herself badly on more than one occasion, eat garbage (almost literally), it was very hard to watch.

And then there was the magical realism.  I'm generally ok with magical realism, if it makes the film better.  And while I got the symbolism of these scenes, I hated every one, and I just didn't think they were necessary, nor even did they really make any sense.

Some of the cinematography was attractive, and I like the concept, but honestly, I wish I had just watched Iron Man 3 again.

If you've watched it, I'd love to know what you thought.


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